What is the shortest sentence in Icelandic to contain all the letters of the Icelandic alphabet?
Asked By
Davíð Kristjánsson
Despite searching, I have not found a sentence that is said to be the shortest containing all the letters of the alphabet. It would need to have:aá b d ð eé f g h ií j k l m n oó p r s t uú v x yý þ æ ö = 32 letters.It is a good party game to try to make such a sentence but not an easy one. One would usually have to use some letters more than once. The following sentences were made in a party: :
- Hyldýpi þjóðfélagsins vex úr kærkomnu böli í ást. (42 letters)
- Þá heyrði Pési djöflasöng óma úr uxakví og bæ Týs. (41 letters)
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Published 5.3.2005
Guðrún Kvaran. „What is the shortest sentence in Icelandic to contain all the letters of the Icelandic alphabet?“. The Icelandic Web of Science 5.3.2005. (Skoðað 16.1.2025).
Guðrún Kvaranprofessor